Nov. & Dec. Achievements 2019
Nov. & Dec. Achievements 2019

Wrapping up a wonderful 2019, we extend sincere congratulations to the hardworking Synergy Team Members sharing Elite Health across North America. In November and December of 2019, the men and women listed below advanced to new ranks of success in their business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, and helping people unlock their potential.
Please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:
Team Leader
Brenda Olsen-Brown
Wandie Drake
Peter Burnett
Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett
Dorothy Felker
Jurdaine Medina Benitez
Maria Nadal-cabral
Roberto De Chiaro
Silvia Flores
Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett
Ashley Woods
Crystal Louviere
Maria Isabel Zamora
Maria Nadal-cabral
Natalie Flaviana Walle
Ruthsella Mc Den Boef-Martines
Melissa Sterner
Keisha Delcambre
Hortensio Castillo
Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett
Alirio Hernandez
Belkis Pena Reyes
Clethus Archie
Doug Twede
Dr. Charles Waldron
Erika Rodriguez
George McClean
Hortensio Castillo
Jessica Lechuga
Leodegario I Reynoso
Maria Isabel Zamora
Maria Nadal-cabral
Mark Johnson
Melanie Vazquez
Mike Hurley
Naomi T. Bon Gomes
Norma Lopez
Rosa Gusman
Sean P. Morris
Susan Scibetta
Teresa Cuase
Vitelio De Jesus Llaverias Rodriguez
Junwon Choi
Aleksander Dobrukhin
John E M C Maxwell
T Brodan Scott
Mark Scuderi
Kevin Taylor
Jeffrey Mcgill
James Johnson
Jessie Johnson
Jessica Ward
Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett
TOP RECRUITER Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers
Bobby De Chiaro
Mike Hurley
Melissa Sterner
Maria Nadal-Cabral
Belkis Pena Reyes
Keisha Delcambre
Naomi T. Bon Gomes
TOP TEAM BUILDER Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements
Charlene Burnett
O’Neil Cattnell
Bobby De Chiaro
Nov. & Dec. Achievements 2019 — No Comments
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